Does Lowe’s give Military Discount?
The famous quote “The army takes care of its own” is not a bluff. This saying describes the policy and concept that every military body employs to aid its members, and improve their standard of living. Military men also have families and relatives that depend on their income and salaries to live. Most times an average military man’s is not enough for him to feed his family, pay children’s school fees and even the rent.
These concerns may affect soldiers on and off the field. There are a host of projects and policies that different military organizations use to aid its members and their families. Policies like health care, company housing within barracks, insurance, and military discounts, etc. Of all these, military discounts are the most common.
One of these military discount schemes is the Lowe’s Military Discount offer, and we shall take a closer look at the criteria required to enjoy them.
Lowe’s Military Discount Eligibility
This scheme is available to military men, actively serving, discharged or retirees, in any of the United States’ Armed Forces (I.e. Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Army, Air Force); the benefits of this scheme also extends to nuclear family members spouse, siblings and children under the age of 18.
Any member of the military that has met this requirement may register on the website After successful registration, the profile is created, and a card (MyLowe’s card) is presented to enable the military man, and his eligible family members access the benefits of the Lowe’s Military Discount scheme.
**It is crucial to note that a Veteran is one who has served and retired from service in the United States armed forces, also members who were discharged honorably. More importantly, anyone who was dishonorably discharged completely loses his/her eligibility status to access the benefits of this discount scheme.
How to register for the Lowe’s Military Discount
It is required that interested and eligible members visit the website to register their MyLowe’s Account. Follow these steps
Step 1: Create a MyLowe’s profile
This is easy, visit the website and supply the required information. You will be required to put your name, zip code and phone number in the online form. You may decide between a MyLowe’s card or connect your profile/account to your cell phone number. Both options have their benefits, though I prefer using the phone number as it provides comfort, as one can to verify one’s cell phone number to access the 10% discount at the store.
Step 2: Provide Proof of Military Service
The Lowe’s scheme employs a third party or trustee system to confirm one’s status during the online registration. Other documents may be required to verify one’s status.
In situations where online verification is difficult, (especially in cases of veterans who have retired from active service for a long time or require high-level security clearance to disclose their information), verification can be completed in person at the store.
Pay a visit to the Lowe’s store and access the customer service office with copies your military documents and identification (including Veteran’s ID card, military driver’s license, DD-Form 214, etc.) and a passport photograph. With these document, the customer service officer will be able to sort the rest.
Let’s quickly examine some frequently asked question and the necessary answers.
Is it Possible to access the discount service without a MyLowe’s account?
According to the statement on the official website, it is possible to do so only from in-store. It is not possible to do so online. Though some cashiers insist on a MyLowe’s card or registered phone number before providing service. This may be a policy that applies to some stores.
The MyLowe’s card offers the benefit of allowing you to track your purchases; this makes it easy to return some item. The online account keeps a copy of your receipts, and other information like paint color codes, enabling you to track purchases and help you recall information.
Where can I access the discount?
Eligible members may enjoy the 10% discount on purchases when they patronize the in-store or the Lowe’s website
- To enjoy the online discount, just log in with your MyLowe’s account and make your purchases. The discount will activate immediately on any subsidized payments.
- At the store, submit your MyLowe’s card or a registered phone number for verification at the counter, and your bill would be adjusted with the discount.
What Does the Lowe’s Military Discount Cover?
Which Products/Services are included in the Lowe’s Military Discount?
According to the official Lowe’s policy, the discount is applicable for personal use only, and do not apply to commercial or trade services. The Lowe’s organization retains the right to modify rules and regulations or even cancel the scheme if deemed necessary. In conditions of abuse or misuse, they also possess the express authority to withdraw a member’s eligibility status or deny benefits. Please endeavor to access the benefits of the program correctly, and not for business purposes.
It also does not allow a rebate for previous sales, installation charges or gifts voucher, can’t be used alongside with coupons, discounts and promo sales.
I have been enjoying the benefits of Lowe’s scheme for many years now with very little discomforts or problems. It has applied to many products, and the 10% discount has been a blessing in many ways. Again endeavor to use the scheme with respect and propriety.